How to Get Relief from Back Pain

Generally, in today's time, the problem of back pain has become a common issue. If you are also troubled by it, then it affects not only your body but also your functioning. There is no age limit for this kamar dard ka ramban ilaj. If may impact anyone of any age group. As you age, its effect also increases. Back pain is a common problem in today's running life. 

There are many reasons for back pain such as surgical delivery, sleeping incorrectly or getting up and sitting etc. Especially in women, there is a possibility of back pain due to wearing these high heel sandals. Although treatment like allopathic is available for back pain, but in Ayurvedic medicine there is a permanent treatment for back pain. According to Ayurveda, the main cause of back pain is constipation, which can be easily cured with Ayurvedic treatment.


Several Types of Back Pain

Back pain can be mainly divided into four parts. About which we are giving you information below. Let us know the four types of back pain.

•          contagious

•          oncologic

•          inflammatory

•          mechanical

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Major causes of back pain in women (कमरदर्दकेकारण)

Back pain is by far the most common health problem for people which is mainly due to wrong posture and poor lifestyle. Women, especially pregnant women, are more prone to back pain than men. Often ignoring the seriousness of the problem and lack of proper back pain treatment aggravates the pain and becomes a serious problem as a result. Let us know about the 10 major causes of back pain.

1.         Spinal Stenosis

This is usually associated with spinal cord. Sometimes it starts to hurt too much. Spinal stenosis is usually treated with a combination of gentle exercise and changes in daily activity. You may find that some symptoms of spinal stenosis may be relieved by sitting or lying down, maintaining a forward-facing position, or avoiding certain activities that cause symptoms of spinal stenosis.

2.         Stress –

If a vein is pulled, you may have tension in that area. And it can also cause back pain. To get rid of this, sleep with a pillow under the feet, massage the place where there is pain, then you will get relief soon. If you do ice compresses 3 times a day for 15 minutes, you will get a lot of relief.


3.         Gout –

This disease occurs when the amount of uric acid in the blood increases. When its quantity increases in the body, crystals of uric acid start forming and it gets deposited in the joints of bones in the body. Mainly if seen, it affects the joints of bones in the body.

4.         Kidney Problems –

If your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids can build up in your body. Due to which you may have to face various types of diseases like bloating, nausea, weakness, poor sleep and difficulty in breathing. It is serious and it can be life threatening.

5.         No Exercise - If you are suffering from kamar dard spray then exercise can be beneficial for it. Exercise is more beneficial for lower back pain. If you work all day and if you start feeling pain in any part of the body, then it makes the situation worse.

Due to pain we are not able to move the body. A complete exercise program includes back and body stretching, strengthening and aerobic conditioning. These exercises are important for proper healing of your body.

6.         Improper Sitting –

If you are suffering from back pain then exercise can be beneficial for it. Exercise is more beneficial for lower back pain. If you work all day and if you start feeling pain in any part of the body, then it makes the situation worse.

Due to pain we are not able to move the body. A complete exercise program includes back and body stretching, strengthening and aerobic conditioning. These exercises are important for proper healing of your body.

7.         Pregnancy - It is quite normal for women to have back pain during this period. Not only this, pain is always felt in the back and lower back. Pregnancy is also one of the causes of back pain, during which many hormonal changes take place in the body, due to which women complain of back pain in the early stages.

8.         Excess Weight - Being overweight or obese is also a reason for back pain. When fat accumulates in excess in the body, then there is a complaint of obesity. Since the body becomes heavy due to obesity, the problem of back pain arises. Apart from this, spinal infections such as osteomyelitis also make it difficult for the sufferer to sit up due to pain.


Best Treatments for Backache Relief (कमरदर्दकारामबाणइलाज)

1.         Turmeric - It is usually used to stop bleeding or to heal an injury. Sometimes turmeric mixed with milk is also used to relieve pain in hands and feet. While turmeric has antiseptic and antibiotic properties, the calcium present in milk combines with turmeric to benefit the body. Mixing half or one teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and consuming it can benefit you.

2.         Bath with Hot Water - it is believed that if you are taking a bath with hot water, then it is beneficial in removing the fatigue of the day. Not only in winter, but if a hot shower is taken in summer also, then it also has many benefits. By doing this, you will make yourself feel very relaxed and young. But considering the temperature, people prefer to take a bath with warm water in winter itself. If you take a bath with lukewarm water once a day and use a pain reliever balm, then you will definitely get benefit from it.

3.         Rock Salt - Due to the impurities present in it, it can also be light blue, dark blue, orange or yellow in color. In this way, mix one or two teaspoons of rock salt in a bucket of water and then take a bath. This will give you a lot of relief.

4.         Ginger - Dip one or two small pieces of ginger in hot water. Then mix honey in it and consume it. Along with this, you can also massage the back with ginger oil. This will give you great relief. 

5.         Basil Leaves - Soak 4 to 5 basil leaves in hot water for 10 minutes. Then mix honey in it and consume it. You can consume it 2 times daily. This will give you immediate benefits.


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